Tennis played at Lincoln School’s Faxon Farm Campus located on Danforth Street in Rehoboth, Massachusetts.
Directions to Faxon Farm from Lincoln’s Providence Campus
Turn left onto Butler Avenue.
Follow to the second traffic light and turn left onto Waterman Avenue.
Then bear left onto the Henderson Bridge (the Old Red Bridge).
Follow to the end and bear right at the exit ramp onto Broadway.
Take the third left onto Sutton Street and follow to the end.
Turn right onto Goldsmith.
Follow to the stop sign.
Turn left onto Rt. 44 east, Taunton Avenue.
Follow Rt. 44 east until you see the sign “Entering Rehoboth.”
Follow Rt. 44 east for another 2 miles then turn left onto Danforth Street (opposite the sign for “Francis Farm”).
Faxon Farm is 1/8 mile on the left. The fields are behind the barn.
Directions to Lincoln School’s Faxon Farm from Rt.195 East
Take exit 4, Taunton Avenue/Rt.44 east.
Continue on Taunton Avenue-Rt 44 east through Seekonk until you see the sign “Entering Rehoboth.”
Follow Rt. 44 east another two miles then turn left onto Danforth Strret. (opposite the sign for “Francis Farm”)
Faxon Farm is 1/8 mile on the left.
The fields are behind the barn.
Directions to Lincoln School’s Faxon Farm from Rt.195 West
Take the Swansea exit marked Rt 6/Rt.118.
Follow signs to Rt.118 north (this road runs across the front of Swansea Mall)
Follow Rt. 118 north as it jogs left and right at Locust Street (Rt 118 has progressive name changes from Swansea Mall to your ending point Rt. 44 in Rehoboth).
Turn right onto Rt.44 west, Winthrop Street.
Go approximately 1 mile and turn right onto Danforth Street.
Faxon Farm is 1/8 mile on the left.
The fields are behind the barn.