Mike Kenny Tennis Complex, Slater Memorial Park
From the North
95 South exit 29 (Broadway Downtown exit) go through first stop sign, take a right at next stop sign. After the first set of lights get into the left lane. Take a left over 95. Bear right at the stop sign and take a left onto Walcott Street. At the second light take a left onto the Industrial Highway. Take a right onto Armistice Boulevard. Go through 4 sets of lights, the entrance to the park will be on the right. The courts will be on the right after entering the park.
From the South
95 North to Exit 28 (School Street exit) At the bottom of the ramp take a left, at the first set of lights take a right onto Walcott Street, at the second set of lights take a left onto Industrial Highway. Take a right at the next set of lights onto Armistice Boulevard. Go through 4 sets of lights, the entrance to the park will be on the right. The courts are on the right after entering the park.